Convert Numeral Systems & Encodings
Convert between many different numeral systems such as decimal (base 10) and hexadecimal (base 16), along with text encodings such as ASCII! Do it all for free on UnitSwap, and access conversion charts.
- Convert binary (base 2) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert binary (base 2) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert binary (base 2) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert binary (base 2) to senary (base 6)
- Convert binary (base 2) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert binary (base 2) to octal (base 8)
- Convert binary (base 2) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert binary (base 2) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert binary (base 2) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert binary (base 2) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert binary (base 2) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert binary (base 2) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert binary (base 2) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert binary (base 2) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert binary (base 2) to ASCII (text)
- Convert binary (base 2) to Morse code
- Convert ternary (base 3) to binary (base 2)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to senary (base 6)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to octal (base 8)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to ASCII (text)
- Convert ternary (base 3) to Morse code
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to binary (base 2)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to senary (base 6)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to octal (base 8)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to ASCII (text)
- Convert quaternary (base 4) to Morse code
- Convert quinary (base 5) to binary (base 2)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to senary (base 6)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to octal (base 8)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to ASCII (text)
- Convert quinary (base 5) to Morse code
- Convert senary (base 6) to binary (base 2)
- Convert senary (base 6) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert senary (base 6) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert senary (base 6) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert senary (base 6) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert senary (base 6) to octal (base 8)
- Convert senary (base 6) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert senary (base 6) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert senary (base 6) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert senary (base 6) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert senary (base 6) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert senary (base 6) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert senary (base 6) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert senary (base 6) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert senary (base 6) to ASCII (text)
- Convert senary (base 6) to Morse code
- Convert septenary (base 7) to binary (base 2)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to senary (base 6)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to octal (base 8)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to ASCII (text)
- Convert septenary (base 7) to Morse code
- Convert octal (base 8) to binary (base 2)
- Convert octal (base 8) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert octal (base 8) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert octal (base 8) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert octal (base 8) to senary (base 6)
- Convert octal (base 8) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert octal (base 8) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert octal (base 8) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert octal (base 8) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert octal (base 8) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert octal (base 8) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert octal (base 8) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert octal (base 8) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert octal (base 8) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert octal (base 8) to ASCII (text)
- Convert octal (base 8) to Morse code
- Convert nonary (base 9) to binary (base 2)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to senary (base 6)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to octal (base 8)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to ASCII (text)
- Convert nonary (base 9) to Morse code
- Convert decimal (base 10) to binary (base 2)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to senary (base 6)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to octal (base 8)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to ASCII (text)
- Convert decimal (base 10) to Morse code
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to binary (base 2)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to senary (base 6)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to octal (base 8)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to ASCII (text)
- Convert undecimal (base 11) to Morse code
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to binary (base 2)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to senary (base 6)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to octal (base 8)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to ASCII (text)
- Convert duodecimal (base 12) to Morse code
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to binary (base 2)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to senary (base 6)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to octal (base 8)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to ASCII (text)
- Convert tridecimal (base 13) to Morse code
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to binary (base 2)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to senary (base 6)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to octal (base 8)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to ASCII (text)
- Convert tetradecimal (base 14) to Morse code
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to binary (base 2)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to senary (base 6)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to octal (base 8)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to ASCII (text)
- Convert pentadecimal (base 15) to Morse code
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to binary (base 2)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to senary (base 6)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to octal (base 8)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to ASCII (text)
- Convert hexadecimal (base 16) to Morse code
- Convert ASCII (text) to binary (base 2)
- Convert ASCII (text) to ternary (base 3)
- Convert ASCII (text) to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert ASCII (text) to quinary (base 5)
- Convert ASCII (text) to senary (base 6)
- Convert ASCII (text) to septenary (base 7)
- Convert ASCII (text) to octal (base 8)
- Convert ASCII (text) to nonary (base 9)
- Convert ASCII (text) to decimal (base 10)
- Convert ASCII (text) to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert ASCII (text) to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert ASCII (text) to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert ASCII (text) to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert ASCII (text) to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert ASCII (text) to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert ASCII (text) to Morse code
- Convert Morse code to binary (base 2)
- Convert Morse code to ternary (base 3)
- Convert Morse code to quaternary (base 4)
- Convert Morse code to quinary (base 5)
- Convert Morse code to senary (base 6)
- Convert Morse code to septenary (base 7)
- Convert Morse code to octal (base 8)
- Convert Morse code to nonary (base 9)
- Convert Morse code to decimal (base 10)
- Convert Morse code to undecimal (base 11)
- Convert Morse code to duodecimal (base 12)
- Convert Morse code to tridecimal (base 13)
- Convert Morse code to tetradecimal (base 14)
- Convert Morse code to pentadecimal (base 15)
- Convert Morse code to hexadecimal (base 16)
- Convert Morse code to ASCII (text)