Convert gigajoules to British thermal units

Convert GJ to BTU (Swap)


is equal to...


How to convert gigajoules into British thermal units?

To convert gigajoules into British thermal units, preform the following calculations:

1 GJ = 947,817.1 BTU

energy in gigajoules × 947,817.1 = energy in British thermal units


15 GJ

15 gigajoules × 947,817.1 = 14,217,257 British thermal units

How many British thermal units in a gigajoule?

There are 947,817.1 British thermal units in a gigajoule.

How many gigajoules in a British thermal unit?

There are 0.0000010551 gigajoules in a British thermal unit.

Value Chart

Gigajoules (GJ)British Thermal Units (BTU)
0.01 GJ9,478.171 BTU
0.1 GJ94,781.71 BTU
0.2 GJ189,563.4 BTU
0.3 GJ284,345.1 BTU
0.4 GJ379,126.8 BTU
0.5 GJ473,908.6 BTU
0.6 GJ568,690.3 BTU
0.7 GJ663,472 BTU
0.8 GJ758,253.7 BTU
0.9 GJ853,035.4 BTU
1 GJ947,817.1 BTU
1.2 GJ1,137,381 BTU
1.4 GJ1,326,944 BTU
1.6 GJ1,516,507 BTU
1.8 GJ1,706,071 BTU
2 GJ1,895,634 BTU
2.2 GJ2,085,198 BTU
2.4 GJ2,274,761 BTU
2.6 GJ2,464,325 BTU
2.8 GJ2,653,888 BTU
3 GJ2,843,451 BTU
3.2 GJ3,033,015 BTU
3.4 GJ3,222,578 BTU
3.6 GJ3,412,142 BTU
3.8 GJ3,601,705 BTU
4 GJ3,791,268 BTU
4.2 GJ3,980,832 BTU
4.4 GJ4,170,395 BTU
4.6 GJ4,359,959 BTU
4.8 GJ4,549,522 BTU
5 GJ4,739,086 BTU
5.5 GJ5,212,994 BTU
6 GJ5,686,903 BTU
6.5 GJ6,160,811 BTU
7 GJ6,634,720 BTU
7.5 GJ7,108,628 BTU
8 GJ7,582,537 BTU
8.5 GJ8,056,446 BTU
9 GJ8,530,354 BTU
9.5 GJ9,004,263 BTU
10 GJ9,478,171 BTU
11 GJ10,425,988 BTU
12 GJ11,373,805 BTU
13 GJ12,321,623 BTU
14 GJ13,269,440 BTU
15 GJ14,217,257 BTU
16 GJ15,165,074 BTU
17 GJ16,112,891 BTU
18 GJ17,060,708 BTU
19 GJ18,008,525 BTU
20 GJ18,956,342 BTU
21 GJ19,904,160 BTU
22 GJ20,851,977 BTU
23 GJ21,799,794 BTU
24 GJ22,747,611 BTU
25 GJ23,695,428 BTU
26 GJ24,643,245 BTU
27 GJ25,591,062 BTU
28 GJ26,538,879 BTU
29 GJ27,486,696 BTU
30 GJ28,434,514 BTU
31 GJ29,382,331 BTU
32 GJ30,330,148 BTU
33 GJ31,277,965 BTU
34 GJ32,225,782 BTU
35 GJ33,173,599 BTU
36 GJ34,121,416 BTU
37 GJ35,069,233 BTU
38 GJ36,017,051 BTU
39 GJ36,964,868 BTU
40 GJ37,912,685 BTU
41 GJ38,860,502 BTU
42 GJ39,808,319 BTU
43 GJ40,756,136 BTU
44 GJ41,703,953 BTU
45 GJ42,651,770 BTU
46 GJ43,599,588 BTU
47 GJ44,547,405 BTU
48 GJ45,495,222 BTU
49 GJ46,443,039 BTU
50 GJ47,390,856 BTU
52 GJ49,286,490 BTU
54 GJ51,182,124 BTU
56 GJ53,077,759 BTU
58 GJ54,973,393 BTU
60 GJ56,869,027 BTU
62 GJ58,764,661 BTU
64 GJ60,660,296 BTU
66 GJ62,555,930 BTU
68 GJ64,451,564 BTU
70 GJ66,347,198 BTU
72 GJ68,242,833 BTU
74 GJ70,138,467 BTU
76 GJ72,034,101 BTU
78 GJ73,929,735 BTU
80 GJ75,825,370 BTU
82 GJ77,721,004 BTU
84 GJ79,616,638 BTU
86 GJ81,512,272 BTU
88 GJ83,407,907 BTU
90 GJ85,303,541 BTU
92 GJ87,199,175 BTU
94 GJ89,094,809 BTU
96 GJ90,990,444 BTU
98 GJ92,886,078 BTU
100 GJ94,781,712 BTU

Sources & References

UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.

Gigajoules definition source:
British Thermal Units definition source:

Other Calculators