Convert kilojoules to British thermal units

Convert kJ to BTU (Swap)


is equal to...


How to convert kilojoules into British thermal units?

To convert kilojoules into British thermal units, preform the following calculations:

1 kJ = 0.94782 BTU

energy in kilojoules × 0.94782 = energy in British thermal units


15 kJ

15 kilojoules × 0.94782 = 14.21726 British thermal units

How many British thermal units in a kilojoule?

There are 0.94782 British thermal units in a kilojoule.

How many kilojoules in a British thermal unit?

There are 1.05506 kilojoules in a British thermal unit.

Value Chart

Kilojoules (kJ)British Thermal Units (BTU)
0 kJ0 BTU
0.01 kJ0.0094782 BTU
0.1 kJ0.094782 BTU
0.2 kJ0.18956 BTU
0.3 kJ0.28435 BTU
0.4 kJ0.37913 BTU
0.5 kJ0.47391 BTU
0.6 kJ0.56869 BTU
0.7 kJ0.66347 BTU
0.8 kJ0.75825 BTU
0.9 kJ0.85304 BTU
1 kJ0.94782 BTU
1.2 kJ1.13738 BTU
1.4 kJ1.32694 BTU
1.6 kJ1.51651 BTU
1.8 kJ1.70607 BTU
2 kJ1.89563 BTU
2.2 kJ2.0852 BTU
2.4 kJ2.27476 BTU
2.6 kJ2.46432 BTU
2.8 kJ2.65389 BTU
3 kJ2.84345 BTU
3.2 kJ3.03301 BTU
3.4 kJ3.22258 BTU
3.6 kJ3.41214 BTU
3.8 kJ3.60171 BTU
4 kJ3.79127 BTU
4.2 kJ3.98083 BTU
4.4 kJ4.1704 BTU
4.6 kJ4.35996 BTU
4.8 kJ4.54952 BTU
5 kJ4.73909 BTU
5.5 kJ5.21299 BTU
6 kJ5.6869 BTU
6.5 kJ6.16081 BTU
7 kJ6.63472 BTU
7.5 kJ7.10863 BTU
8 kJ7.58254 BTU
8.5 kJ8.05645 BTU
9 kJ8.53035 BTU
9.5 kJ9.00426 BTU
10 kJ9.47817 BTU
11 kJ10.42599 BTU
12 kJ11.37381 BTU
13 kJ12.32162 BTU
14 kJ13.26944 BTU
15 kJ14.21726 BTU
16 kJ15.16507 BTU
17 kJ16.11289 BTU
18 kJ17.06071 BTU
19 kJ18.00853 BTU
20 kJ18.95634 BTU
21 kJ19.90416 BTU
22 kJ20.85198 BTU
23 kJ21.79979 BTU
24 kJ22.74761 BTU
25 kJ23.69543 BTU
26 kJ24.64325 BTU
27 kJ25.59106 BTU
28 kJ26.53888 BTU
29 kJ27.4867 BTU
30 kJ28.43451 BTU
31 kJ29.38233 BTU
32 kJ30.33015 BTU
33 kJ31.27796 BTU
34 kJ32.22578 BTU
35 kJ33.1736 BTU
36 kJ34.12142 BTU
37 kJ35.06923 BTU
38 kJ36.01705 BTU
39 kJ36.96487 BTU
40 kJ37.91268 BTU
41 kJ38.8605 BTU
42 kJ39.80832 BTU
43 kJ40.75614 BTU
44 kJ41.70395 BTU
45 kJ42.65177 BTU
46 kJ43.59959 BTU
47 kJ44.5474 BTU
48 kJ45.49522 BTU
49 kJ46.44304 BTU
50 kJ47.39086 BTU
52 kJ49.28649 BTU
54 kJ51.18212 BTU
56 kJ53.07776 BTU
58 kJ54.97339 BTU
60 kJ56.86903 BTU
62 kJ58.76466 BTU
64 kJ60.6603 BTU
66 kJ62.55593 BTU
68 kJ64.45156 BTU
70 kJ66.3472 BTU
72 kJ68.24283 BTU
74 kJ70.13847 BTU
76 kJ72.0341 BTU
78 kJ73.92974 BTU
80 kJ75.82537 BTU
82 kJ77.721 BTU
84 kJ79.61664 BTU
86 kJ81.51227 BTU
88 kJ83.40791 BTU
90 kJ85.30354 BTU
92 kJ87.19918 BTU
94 kJ89.09481 BTU
96 kJ90.99044 BTU
98 kJ92.88608 BTU
100 kJ94.78171 BTU

Sources & References

UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.

Kilojoules definition source:
British Thermal Units definition source:

Other Calculators