Convert tonnes of TNT to gigawatt-hours

Convert tTNT to GWh (Swap)


is equal to...


How to convert tonnes of TNT into gigawatt-hours?

To convert tonnes of TNT into gigawatt-hours, preform the following calculations:

1 tTNT = 0.0011622 GWh

energy in tonnes of TNT × 0.0011622 = energy in gigawatt-hours


15 tTNT

15 tonnes of TNT × 0.0011622 = 0.017433 gigawatt-hours

How many gigawatt-hours in a tonne of TNT?

There are 0.0011622 gigawatt-hours in a tonne of TNT.

How many tonnes of TNT in a gigawatt-hour?

There are 860.4207 tonnes of TNT in a gigawatt-hour.

Value Chart

Tonnes of TNT (tTNT)Gigawatt-Hours (GWh)
0 tTNT0 GWh
0.01 tTNT0.000011622 GWh
0.1 tTNT0.00011622 GWh
0.2 tTNT0.00023244 GWh
0.3 tTNT0.00034867 GWh
0.4 tTNT0.00046489 GWh
0.5 tTNT0.00058111 GWh
0.6 tTNT0.00069733 GWh
0.7 tTNT0.00081356 GWh
0.8 tTNT0.00092978 GWh
0.9 tTNT0.001046 GWh
1 tTNT0.0011622 GWh
1.2 tTNT0.0013947 GWh
1.4 tTNT0.0016271 GWh
1.6 tTNT0.0018596 GWh
1.8 tTNT0.002092 GWh
2 tTNT0.0023244 GWh
2.2 tTNT0.0025569 GWh
2.4 tTNT0.0027893 GWh
2.6 tTNT0.0030218 GWh
2.8 tTNT0.0032542 GWh
3 tTNT0.0034867 GWh
3.2 tTNT0.0037191 GWh
3.4 tTNT0.0039516 GWh
3.6 tTNT0.004184 GWh
3.8 tTNT0.0044164 GWh
4 tTNT0.0046489 GWh
4.2 tTNT0.0048813 GWh
4.4 tTNT0.0051138 GWh
4.6 tTNT0.0053462 GWh
4.8 tTNT0.0055787 GWh
5 tTNT0.0058111 GWh
5.5 tTNT0.0063922 GWh
6 tTNT0.0069733 GWh
6.5 tTNT0.0075544 GWh
7 tTNT0.0081356 GWh
7.5 tTNT0.0087167 GWh
8 tTNT0.0092978 GWh
8.5 tTNT0.0098789 GWh
9 tTNT0.01046 GWh
9.5 tTNT0.011041 GWh
10 tTNT0.011622 GWh
11 tTNT0.012784 GWh
12 tTNT0.013947 GWh
13 tTNT0.015109 GWh
14 tTNT0.016271 GWh
15 tTNT0.017433 GWh
16 tTNT0.018596 GWh
17 tTNT0.019758 GWh
18 tTNT0.02092 GWh
19 tTNT0.022082 GWh
20 tTNT0.023244 GWh
21 tTNT0.024407 GWh
22 tTNT0.025569 GWh
23 tTNT0.026731 GWh
24 tTNT0.027893 GWh
25 tTNT0.029056 GWh
26 tTNT0.030218 GWh
27 tTNT0.03138 GWh
28 tTNT0.032542 GWh
29 tTNT0.033704 GWh
30 tTNT0.034867 GWh
31 tTNT0.036029 GWh
32 tTNT0.037191 GWh
33 tTNT0.038353 GWh
34 tTNT0.039516 GWh
35 tTNT0.040678 GWh
36 tTNT0.04184 GWh
37 tTNT0.043002 GWh
38 tTNT0.044164 GWh
39 tTNT0.045327 GWh
40 tTNT0.046489 GWh
41 tTNT0.047651 GWh
42 tTNT0.048813 GWh
43 tTNT0.049976 GWh
44 tTNT0.051138 GWh
45 tTNT0.0523 GWh
46 tTNT0.053462 GWh
47 tTNT0.054624 GWh
48 tTNT0.055787 GWh
49 tTNT0.056949 GWh
50 tTNT0.058111 GWh
52 tTNT0.060436 GWh
54 tTNT0.06276 GWh
56 tTNT0.065084 GWh
58 tTNT0.067409 GWh
60 tTNT0.069733 GWh
62 tTNT0.072058 GWh
64 tTNT0.074382 GWh
66 tTNT0.076707 GWh
68 tTNT0.079031 GWh
70 tTNT0.081356 GWh
72 tTNT0.08368 GWh
74 tTNT0.086004 GWh
76 tTNT0.088329 GWh
78 tTNT0.090653 GWh
80 tTNT0.092978 GWh
82 tTNT0.095302 GWh
84 tTNT0.097627 GWh
86 tTNT0.099951 GWh
88 tTNT0.10228 GWh
90 tTNT0.1046 GWh
92 tTNT0.10692 GWh
94 tTNT0.10925 GWh
96 tTNT0.11157 GWh
98 tTNT0.1139 GWh
100 tTNT0.11622 GWh

Sources & References

UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.

Tonnes of TNT definition source:
Gigawatt-Hours definition source:

Other Calculators