Convert cubic feet to pints (Imperial)

Convert ft³ to pt (Swap)

The "pints (Imperial)" unit is commonly confused with other units. Click for details.
The "pints (Imperial)" unit is commonly confused the units listed below which have similar names and/or values. Please ensure that you've selected the correct unit for the more accurate conversion!


is equal to...


How to convert cubic feet into pints (Imperial)?

To convert cubic feet into pints (Imperial), preform the following calculations:

1 ft³ = 49.83068 pt

volume in cubic feet × 49.83068 = volume in pints (Imperial)


15 ft³

15 cubic feet × 49.83068 = 747.4603 pints (Imperial)

How many pints (Imperial) in a cubic foot?

There are 49.83068 pints (Imperial) in a cubic foot.

How many cubic feet in a pint (Imperial)?

There are 0.020068 cubic feet in a pint (Imperial).

Value Chart

Cubic Feet (ft³)Pints (Imperial) (pt)
0 ft³0 pt
0.01 ft³0.49831 pt
0.1 ft³4.98307 pt
0.2 ft³9.96614 pt
0.3 ft³14.94921 pt
0.4 ft³19.93227 pt
0.5 ft³24.91534 pt
0.6 ft³29.89841 pt
0.7 ft³34.88148 pt
0.8 ft³39.86455 pt
0.9 ft³44.84762 pt
1 ft³49.83068 pt
1.2 ft³59.79682 pt
1.4 ft³69.76296 pt
1.6 ft³79.72909 pt
1.8 ft³89.69523 pt
2 ft³99.66137 pt
2.2 ft³109.6275 pt
2.4 ft³119.5936 pt
2.6 ft³129.5598 pt
2.8 ft³139.5259 pt
3 ft³149.4921 pt
3.2 ft³159.4582 pt
3.4 ft³169.4243 pt
3.6 ft³179.3905 pt
3.8 ft³189.3566 pt
4 ft³199.3227 pt
4.2 ft³209.2889 pt
4.4 ft³219.255 pt
4.6 ft³229.2211 pt
4.8 ft³239.1873 pt
5 ft³249.1534 pt
5.5 ft³274.0688 pt
6 ft³298.9841 pt
6.5 ft³323.8994 pt
7 ft³348.8148 pt
7.5 ft³373.7301 pt
8 ft³398.6455 pt
8.5 ft³423.5608 pt
9 ft³448.4762 pt
9.5 ft³473.3915 pt
10 ft³498.3068 pt
11 ft³548.1375 pt
12 ft³597.9682 pt
13 ft³647.7989 pt
14 ft³697.6296 pt
15 ft³747.4603 pt
16 ft³797.2909 pt
17 ft³847.1216 pt
18 ft³896.9523 pt
19 ft³946.783 pt
20 ft³996.6137 pt
21 ft³1,046.444 pt
22 ft³1,096.275 pt
23 ft³1,146.106 pt
24 ft³1,195.936 pt
25 ft³1,245.767 pt
26 ft³1,295.598 pt
27 ft³1,345.428 pt
28 ft³1,395.259 pt
29 ft³1,445.09 pt
30 ft³1,494.921 pt
31 ft³1,544.751 pt
32 ft³1,594.582 pt
33 ft³1,644.413 pt
34 ft³1,694.243 pt
35 ft³1,744.074 pt
36 ft³1,793.905 pt
37 ft³1,843.735 pt
38 ft³1,893.566 pt
39 ft³1,943.397 pt
40 ft³1,993.227 pt
41 ft³2,043.058 pt
42 ft³2,092.889 pt
43 ft³2,142.719 pt
44 ft³2,192.55 pt
45 ft³2,242.381 pt
46 ft³2,292.211 pt
47 ft³2,342.042 pt
48 ft³2,391.873 pt
49 ft³2,441.703 pt
50 ft³2,491.534 pt
52 ft³2,591.196 pt
54 ft³2,690.857 pt
56 ft³2,790.518 pt
58 ft³2,890.18 pt
60 ft³2,989.841 pt
62 ft³3,089.502 pt
64 ft³3,189.164 pt
66 ft³3,288.825 pt
68 ft³3,388.486 pt
70 ft³3,488.148 pt
72 ft³3,587.809 pt
74 ft³3,687.471 pt
76 ft³3,787.132 pt
78 ft³3,886.793 pt
80 ft³3,986.455 pt
82 ft³4,086.116 pt
84 ft³4,185.777 pt
86 ft³4,285.439 pt
88 ft³4,385.1 pt
90 ft³4,484.762 pt
92 ft³4,584.423 pt
94 ft³4,684.084 pt
96 ft³4,783.746 pt
98 ft³4,883.407 pt
100 ft³4,983.068 pt

Sources & References

UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.

Cubic Feet definition source:
Pints (Imperial) definition source:

Other Calculators