Convert gallons (Imperial) to cubic meters

Convert gal to m³ (Swap)

The "gallons (Imperial)" unit is commonly confused with other units. Click for details.
The "gallons (Imperial)" unit is commonly confused the units listed below which have similar names and/or values. Please ensure that you've selected the correct unit for the more accurate conversion!


is equal to...


How to convert gallons (Imperial) into cubic meters?

To convert gallons (Imperial) into cubic meters, preform the following calculations:

1 gal = 0.0045461 m³

volume in gallons (Imperial) × 0.0045461 = volume in cubic meters


15 gal

15 gallons (Imperial) × 0.0045461 = 0.068191 cubic meters

How many cubic meters in a gallon (Imperial)?

There are 0.0045461 cubic meters in a gallon (Imperial).

How many gallons (Imperial) in a cubic meter?

There are 219.9692 gallons (Imperial) in a cubic meter.

Value Chart

Gallons (Imperial) (gal)Cubic Meters (m³)
0 gal0 m³
0.01 gal0.000045461 m³
0.1 gal0.00045461 m³
0.2 gal0.00090922 m³
0.3 gal0.0013638 m³
0.4 gal0.0018184 m³
0.5 gal0.002273 m³
0.6 gal0.0027277 m³
0.7 gal0.0031823 m³
0.8 gal0.0036369 m³
0.9 gal0.0040915 m³
1 gal0.0045461 m³
1.2 gal0.0054553 m³
1.4 gal0.0063645 m³
1.6 gal0.0072737 m³
1.8 gal0.008183 m³
2 gal0.0090922 m³
2.2 gal0.010001 m³
2.4 gal0.010911 m³
2.6 gal0.01182 m³
2.8 gal0.012729 m³
3 gal0.013638 m³
3.2 gal0.014547 m³
3.4 gal0.015457 m³
3.6 gal0.016366 m³
3.8 gal0.017275 m³
4 gal0.018184 m³
4.2 gal0.019094 m³
4.4 gal0.020003 m³
4.6 gal0.020912 m³
4.8 gal0.021821 m³
5 gal0.02273 m³
5.5 gal0.025003 m³
6 gal0.027277 m³
6.5 gal0.02955 m³
7 gal0.031823 m³
7.5 gal0.034096 m³
8 gal0.036369 m³
8.5 gal0.038642 m³
9 gal0.040915 m³
9.5 gal0.043188 m³
10 gal0.045461 m³
11 gal0.050007 m³
12 gal0.054553 m³
13 gal0.059099 m³
14 gal0.063645 m³
15 gal0.068191 m³
16 gal0.072737 m³
17 gal0.077284 m³
18 gal0.08183 m³
19 gal0.086376 m³
20 gal0.090922 m³
21 gal0.095468 m³
22 gal0.10001 m³
23 gal0.10456 m³
24 gal0.10911 m³
25 gal0.11365 m³
26 gal0.1182 m³
27 gal0.12274 m³
28 gal0.12729 m³
29 gal0.13184 m³
30 gal0.13638 m³
31 gal0.14093 m³
32 gal0.14547 m³
33 gal0.15002 m³
34 gal0.15457 m³
35 gal0.15911 m³
36 gal0.16366 m³
37 gal0.16821 m³
38 gal0.17275 m³
39 gal0.1773 m³
40 gal0.18184 m³
41 gal0.18639 m³
42 gal0.19094 m³
43 gal0.19548 m³
44 gal0.20003 m³
45 gal0.20457 m³
46 gal0.20912 m³
47 gal0.21367 m³
48 gal0.21821 m³
49 gal0.22276 m³
50 gal0.2273 m³
52 gal0.2364 m³
54 gal0.24549 m³
56 gal0.25458 m³
58 gal0.26367 m³
60 gal0.27277 m³
62 gal0.28186 m³
64 gal0.29095 m³
66 gal0.30004 m³
68 gal0.30913 m³
70 gal0.31823 m³
72 gal0.32732 m³
74 gal0.33641 m³
76 gal0.3455 m³
78 gal0.3546 m³
80 gal0.36369 m³
82 gal0.37278 m³
84 gal0.38187 m³
86 gal0.39096 m³
88 gal0.40006 m³
90 gal0.40915 m³
92 gal0.41824 m³
94 gal0.42733 m³
96 gal0.43642 m³
98 gal0.44552 m³
100 gal0.45461 m³

Sources & References

UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.

Gallons (Imperial) definition source:
Cubic Meters definition source:

Other Calculators