Convert milliliters to teaspoons (US)
The "teaspoons (US)" unit is commonly confused with other units. Click for details.
The "teaspoons (US)" unit is commonly confused the units listed below which have similar names and/or values. Please ensure that you've selected the correct unit for the more accurate conversion!
- teaspoons (US), defined as 0.00492892159375 L
- teaspoons (Imperial), defined as 0.0059193880208333 L
- teaspoons (metric), defined as 0.005 L
How to convert milliliters into teaspoons (US)?
To convert milliliters into teaspoons (US), preform the following calculations:1 mL = 0.20288 tsp
volume in milliliters × 0.20288 = volume in teaspoons (US)
15 mL
15 milliliters × 0.20288 = 3.04326 teaspoons (US)
How many teaspoons (US) in a milliliter?
There are 0.20288 teaspoons (US) in a milliliter.How many milliliters in a teaspoon (US)?
There are 4.92892 milliliters in a teaspoon (US).Value Chart
Milliliters (mL) | Teaspoons (US) (tsp) |
0 mL | 0 tsp |
0.01 mL | 0.0020288 tsp |
0.1 mL | 0.020288 tsp |
0.2 mL | 0.040577 tsp |
0.3 mL | 0.060865 tsp |
0.4 mL | 0.081154 tsp |
0.5 mL | 0.10144 tsp |
0.6 mL | 0.12173 tsp |
0.7 mL | 0.14202 tsp |
0.8 mL | 0.16231 tsp |
0.9 mL | 0.1826 tsp |
1 mL | 0.20288 tsp |
1.2 mL | 0.24346 tsp |
1.4 mL | 0.28404 tsp |
1.6 mL | 0.32461 tsp |
1.8 mL | 0.36519 tsp |
2 mL | 0.40577 tsp |
2.2 mL | 0.44635 tsp |
2.4 mL | 0.48692 tsp |
2.6 mL | 0.5275 tsp |
2.8 mL | 0.56808 tsp |
3 mL | 0.60865 tsp |
3.2 mL | 0.64923 tsp |
3.4 mL | 0.68981 tsp |
3.6 mL | 0.73038 tsp |
3.8 mL | 0.77096 tsp |
4 mL | 0.81154 tsp |
4.2 mL | 0.85211 tsp |
4.4 mL | 0.89269 tsp |
4.6 mL | 0.93327 tsp |
4.8 mL | 0.97384 tsp |
5 mL | 1.01442 tsp |
5.5 mL | 1.11586 tsp |
6 mL | 1.2173 tsp |
6.5 mL | 1.31875 tsp |
7 mL | 1.42019 tsp |
7.5 mL | 1.52163 tsp |
8 mL | 1.62307 tsp |
8.5 mL | 1.72452 tsp |
9 mL | 1.82596 tsp |
9.5 mL | 1.9274 tsp |
10 mL | 2.02884 tsp |
11 mL | 2.23173 tsp |
12 mL | 2.43461 tsp |
13 mL | 2.63749 tsp |
14 mL | 2.84038 tsp |
15 mL | 3.04326 tsp |
16 mL | 3.24615 tsp |
17 mL | 3.44903 tsp |
18 mL | 3.65191 tsp |
19 mL | 3.8548 tsp |
20 mL | 4.05768 tsp |
21 mL | 4.26057 tsp |
22 mL | 4.46345 tsp |
23 mL | 4.66634 tsp |
24 mL | 4.86922 tsp |
25 mL | 5.0721 tsp |
26 mL | 5.27499 tsp |
27 mL | 5.47787 tsp |
28 mL | 5.68076 tsp |
29 mL | 5.88364 tsp |
30 mL | 6.08652 tsp |
31 mL | 6.28941 tsp |
32 mL | 6.49229 tsp |
33 mL | 6.69518 tsp |
34 mL | 6.89806 tsp |
35 mL | 7.10094 tsp |
36 mL | 7.30383 tsp |
37 mL | 7.50671 tsp |
38 mL | 7.7096 tsp |
39 mL | 7.91248 tsp |
40 mL | 8.11537 tsp |
41 mL | 8.31825 tsp |
42 mL | 8.52113 tsp |
43 mL | 8.72402 tsp |
44 mL | 8.9269 tsp |
45 mL | 9.12979 tsp |
46 mL | 9.33267 tsp |
47 mL | 9.53555 tsp |
48 mL | 9.73844 tsp |
49 mL | 9.94132 tsp |
50 mL | 10.14421 tsp |
52 mL | 10.54998 tsp |
54 mL | 10.95574 tsp |
56 mL | 11.36151 tsp |
58 mL | 11.76728 tsp |
60 mL | 12.17305 tsp |
62 mL | 12.57882 tsp |
64 mL | 12.98458 tsp |
66 mL | 13.39035 tsp |
68 mL | 13.79612 tsp |
70 mL | 14.20189 tsp |
72 mL | 14.60766 tsp |
74 mL | 15.01343 tsp |
76 mL | 15.41919 tsp |
78 mL | 15.82496 tsp |
80 mL | 16.23073 tsp |
82 mL | 16.6365 tsp |
84 mL | 17.04227 tsp |
86 mL | 17.44804 tsp |
88 mL | 17.8538 tsp |
90 mL | 18.25957 tsp |
92 mL | 18.66534 tsp |
94 mL | 19.07111 tsp |
96 mL | 19.47688 tsp |
98 mL | 19.88265 tsp |
100 mL | 20.28841 tsp |
Sources & References
UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.Milliliters definition source:
Teaspoons (US) definition source:
Other Calculators
- Convert liters to liquid gallons (US)
- Convert customary cups (US) to milliliters
- Convert liquid pints (US) to liters
- Convert liters to cubic meters
- Convert cubic feet to liters
- Convert liters to milliliters
- Convert milliliters to teaspoons (metric)
- Convert cups (metric) to food labeling fluid ounces (US)
- Convert cubic feet to milliliters
- Convert cups (Imperial) to tablespoons (Imperial)
- Convert tablespoons (metric) to pints (Imperial)
- Convert food labeling fluid ounces (US) to legal cups (US)
- Convert cubic meters to cubic feet
- Convert tablespoons (metric) to gallons (Imperial)
- Convert liquid quarts (US) to fluid ounces (Imperial)
- Convert milliliters to gallons (Imperial)
- Convert teaspoons (Imperial) to food labeling fluid ounces (US)
- Convert liquid quarts (US) to cups (metric)
- Convert milliliters to liquid pints (US)
- Convert tablespoons (metric) to teaspoons (Imperial)