Convert quarts (Imperial) to cubic inches
The "quarts (Imperial)" unit is commonly confused with other units. Click for details.
The "quarts (Imperial)" unit is commonly confused the units listed below which have similar names and/or values. Please ensure that you've selected the correct unit for the more accurate conversion!
- quarts (Imperial), defined as 1.1365225 L
- liquid quarts (US), defined as 0.946352946 L
How to convert quarts (Imperial) into cubic inches?
To convert quarts (Imperial) into cubic inches, preform the following calculations:1 qt = 69.35486 in³
volume in quarts (Imperial) × 69.35486 = volume in cubic inches
15 qt
15 quarts (Imperial) × 69.35486 = 1,040.323 cubic inches
How many cubic inches in a quart (Imperial)?
There are 69.35486 cubic inches in a quart (Imperial).How many quarts (Imperial) in a cubic inch?
There are 0.014419 quarts (Imperial) in a cubic inch.Value Chart
Quarts (Imperial) (qt) | Cubic Inches (in³) |
0 qt | 0 in³ |
0.01 qt | 0.69355 in³ |
0.1 qt | 6.93549 in³ |
0.2 qt | 13.87097 in³ |
0.3 qt | 20.80646 in³ |
0.4 qt | 27.74194 in³ |
0.5 qt | 34.67743 in³ |
0.6 qt | 41.61291 in³ |
0.7 qt | 48.5484 in³ |
0.8 qt | 55.48389 in³ |
0.9 qt | 62.41937 in³ |
1 qt | 69.35486 in³ |
1.2 qt | 83.22583 in³ |
1.4 qt | 97.0968 in³ |
1.6 qt | 110.9678 in³ |
1.8 qt | 124.8387 in³ |
2 qt | 138.7097 in³ |
2.2 qt | 152.5807 in³ |
2.4 qt | 166.4517 in³ |
2.6 qt | 180.3226 in³ |
2.8 qt | 194.1936 in³ |
3 qt | 208.0646 in³ |
3.2 qt | 221.9355 in³ |
3.4 qt | 235.8065 in³ |
3.6 qt | 249.6775 in³ |
3.8 qt | 263.5485 in³ |
4 qt | 277.4194 in³ |
4.2 qt | 291.2904 in³ |
4.4 qt | 305.1614 in³ |
4.6 qt | 319.0323 in³ |
4.8 qt | 332.9033 in³ |
5 qt | 346.7743 in³ |
5.5 qt | 381.4517 in³ |
6 qt | 416.1291 in³ |
6.5 qt | 450.8066 in³ |
7 qt | 485.484 in³ |
7.5 qt | 520.1614 in³ |
8 qt | 554.8389 in³ |
8.5 qt | 589.5163 in³ |
9 qt | 624.1937 in³ |
9.5 qt | 658.8712 in³ |
10 qt | 693.5486 in³ |
11 qt | 762.9034 in³ |
12 qt | 832.2583 in³ |
13 qt | 901.6132 in³ |
14 qt | 970.968 in³ |
15 qt | 1,040.323 in³ |
16 qt | 1,109.678 in³ |
17 qt | 1,179.033 in³ |
18 qt | 1,248.387 in³ |
19 qt | 1,317.742 in³ |
20 qt | 1,387.097 in³ |
21 qt | 1,456.452 in³ |
22 qt | 1,525.807 in³ |
23 qt | 1,595.162 in³ |
24 qt | 1,664.517 in³ |
25 qt | 1,733.871 in³ |
26 qt | 1,803.226 in³ |
27 qt | 1,872.581 in³ |
28 qt | 1,941.936 in³ |
29 qt | 2,011.291 in³ |
30 qt | 2,080.646 in³ |
31 qt | 2,150.001 in³ |
32 qt | 2,219.355 in³ |
33 qt | 2,288.71 in³ |
34 qt | 2,358.065 in³ |
35 qt | 2,427.42 in³ |
36 qt | 2,496.775 in³ |
37 qt | 2,566.13 in³ |
38 qt | 2,635.485 in³ |
39 qt | 2,704.839 in³ |
40 qt | 2,774.194 in³ |
41 qt | 2,843.549 in³ |
42 qt | 2,912.904 in³ |
43 qt | 2,982.259 in³ |
44 qt | 3,051.614 in³ |
45 qt | 3,120.969 in³ |
46 qt | 3,190.323 in³ |
47 qt | 3,259.678 in³ |
48 qt | 3,329.033 in³ |
49 qt | 3,398.388 in³ |
50 qt | 3,467.743 in³ |
52 qt | 3,606.453 in³ |
54 qt | 3,745.162 in³ |
56 qt | 3,883.872 in³ |
58 qt | 4,022.582 in³ |
60 qt | 4,161.291 in³ |
62 qt | 4,300.001 in³ |
64 qt | 4,438.711 in³ |
66 qt | 4,577.421 in³ |
68 qt | 4,716.13 in³ |
70 qt | 4,854.84 in³ |
72 qt | 4,993.55 in³ |
74 qt | 5,132.26 in³ |
76 qt | 5,270.969 in³ |
78 qt | 5,409.679 in³ |
80 qt | 5,548.389 in³ |
82 qt | 5,687.098 in³ |
84 qt | 5,825.808 in³ |
86 qt | 5,964.518 in³ |
88 qt | 6,103.228 in³ |
90 qt | 6,241.937 in³ |
92 qt | 6,380.647 in³ |
94 qt | 6,519.357 in³ |
96 qt | 6,658.066 in³ |
98 qt | 6,796.776 in³ |
100 qt | 6,935.486 in³ |
Sources & References
UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.Quarts (Imperial) definition source:
Cubic Inches definition source:
Other Calculators
- Convert liters to liquid gallons (US)
- Convert customary cups (US) to milliliters
- Convert liquid pints (US) to liters
- Convert liters to cubic meters
- Convert cubic feet to liters
- Convert cups (Imperial) to quarts (Imperial)
- Convert teaspoons (US) to fluid ounces (Imperial)
- Convert liquid quarts (US) to legal cups (US)
- Convert fluid ounces (Imperial) to cubic meters
- Convert food labeling fluid ounces (US) to gallons (Imperial)
- Convert cups (Imperial) to liters
- Convert milliliters to pints (Imperial)
- Convert tablespoons (Imperial) to gallons (Imperial)
- Convert teaspoons (US) to tablespoons (US)
- Convert food labeling fluid ounces (US) to liquid pints (US)
- Convert legal cups (US) to tablespoons (metric)
- Convert legal cups (US) to quarts (Imperial)
- Convert teaspoons (Imperial) to teaspoons (US)
- Convert quarts (Imperial) to liters
- Convert cups (metric) to liquid pints (US)