Convert tablespoons (metric) to tablespoons (US)
How to convert tablespoons (metric) into tablespoons (US)?
To convert tablespoons (metric) into tablespoons (US), preform the following calculations:1 tbsp = 1.01442 tbsp
volume in tablespoons (metric) × 1.01442 = volume in tablespoons (US)
15 tbsp
15 tablespoons (metric) × 1.01442 = 15.21631 tablespoons (US)
How many tablespoons (US) in a tablespoon (metric)?
There are 1.01442 tablespoons (US) in a tablespoon (metric).How many tablespoons (metric) in a tablespoon (US)?
There are 0.98578 tablespoons (metric) in a tablespoon (US).Value Chart
Tablespoons (Metric) (tbsp) | Tablespoons (US) (tbsp) |
0 tbsp | 0 tbsp |
0.01 tbsp | 0.010144 tbsp |
0.1 tbsp | 0.10144 tbsp |
0.2 tbsp | 0.20288 tbsp |
0.3 tbsp | 0.30433 tbsp |
0.4 tbsp | 0.40577 tbsp |
0.5 tbsp | 0.50721 tbsp |
0.6 tbsp | 0.60865 tbsp |
0.7 tbsp | 0.71009 tbsp |
0.8 tbsp | 0.81154 tbsp |
0.9 tbsp | 0.91298 tbsp |
1 tbsp | 1.01442 tbsp |
1.2 tbsp | 1.2173 tbsp |
1.4 tbsp | 1.42019 tbsp |
1.6 tbsp | 1.62307 tbsp |
1.8 tbsp | 1.82596 tbsp |
2 tbsp | 2.02884 tbsp |
2.2 tbsp | 2.23173 tbsp |
2.4 tbsp | 2.43461 tbsp |
2.6 tbsp | 2.63749 tbsp |
2.8 tbsp | 2.84038 tbsp |
3 tbsp | 3.04326 tbsp |
3.2 tbsp | 3.24615 tbsp |
3.4 tbsp | 3.44903 tbsp |
3.6 tbsp | 3.65191 tbsp |
3.8 tbsp | 3.8548 tbsp |
4 tbsp | 4.05768 tbsp |
4.2 tbsp | 4.26057 tbsp |
4.4 tbsp | 4.46345 tbsp |
4.6 tbsp | 4.66634 tbsp |
4.8 tbsp | 4.86922 tbsp |
5 tbsp | 5.0721 tbsp |
5.5 tbsp | 5.57931 tbsp |
6 tbsp | 6.08652 tbsp |
6.5 tbsp | 6.59373 tbsp |
7 tbsp | 7.10094 tbsp |
7.5 tbsp | 7.60816 tbsp |
8 tbsp | 8.11537 tbsp |
8.5 tbsp | 8.62258 tbsp |
9 tbsp | 9.12979 tbsp |
9.5 tbsp | 9.637 tbsp |
10 tbsp | 10.14421 tbsp |
11 tbsp | 11.15863 tbsp |
12 tbsp | 12.17305 tbsp |
13 tbsp | 13.18747 tbsp |
14 tbsp | 14.20189 tbsp |
15 tbsp | 15.21631 tbsp |
16 tbsp | 16.23073 tbsp |
17 tbsp | 17.24515 tbsp |
18 tbsp | 18.25957 tbsp |
19 tbsp | 19.27399 tbsp |
20 tbsp | 20.28841 tbsp |
21 tbsp | 21.30283 tbsp |
22 tbsp | 22.31725 tbsp |
23 tbsp | 23.33168 tbsp |
24 tbsp | 24.3461 tbsp |
25 tbsp | 25.36052 tbsp |
26 tbsp | 26.37494 tbsp |
27 tbsp | 27.38936 tbsp |
28 tbsp | 28.40378 tbsp |
29 tbsp | 29.4182 tbsp |
30 tbsp | 30.43262 tbsp |
31 tbsp | 31.44704 tbsp |
32 tbsp | 32.46146 tbsp |
33 tbsp | 33.47588 tbsp |
34 tbsp | 34.4903 tbsp |
35 tbsp | 35.50472 tbsp |
36 tbsp | 36.51914 tbsp |
37 tbsp | 37.53357 tbsp |
38 tbsp | 38.54799 tbsp |
39 tbsp | 39.56241 tbsp |
40 tbsp | 40.57683 tbsp |
41 tbsp | 41.59125 tbsp |
42 tbsp | 42.60567 tbsp |
43 tbsp | 43.62009 tbsp |
44 tbsp | 44.63451 tbsp |
45 tbsp | 45.64893 tbsp |
46 tbsp | 46.66335 tbsp |
47 tbsp | 47.67777 tbsp |
48 tbsp | 48.69219 tbsp |
49 tbsp | 49.70661 tbsp |
50 tbsp | 50.72103 tbsp |
52 tbsp | 52.74988 tbsp |
54 tbsp | 54.77872 tbsp |
56 tbsp | 56.80756 tbsp |
58 tbsp | 58.8364 tbsp |
60 tbsp | 60.86524 tbsp |
62 tbsp | 62.89408 tbsp |
64 tbsp | 64.92292 tbsp |
66 tbsp | 66.95176 tbsp |
68 tbsp | 68.98061 tbsp |
70 tbsp | 71.00945 tbsp |
72 tbsp | 73.03829 tbsp |
74 tbsp | 75.06713 tbsp |
76 tbsp | 77.09597 tbsp |
78 tbsp | 79.12481 tbsp |
80 tbsp | 81.15365 tbsp |
82 tbsp | 83.1825 tbsp |
84 tbsp | 85.21134 tbsp |
86 tbsp | 87.24018 tbsp |
88 tbsp | 89.26902 tbsp |
90 tbsp | 91.29786 tbsp |
92 tbsp | 93.3267 tbsp |
94 tbsp | 95.35554 tbsp |
96 tbsp | 97.38439 tbsp |
98 tbsp | 99.41323 tbsp |
100 tbsp | 101.4421 tbsp |
Sources & References
UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.Tablespoons (Metric) definition source:
Tablespoons (US) definition source:
Other Calculators
- Convert liters to liquid gallons (US)
- Convert customary cups (US) to milliliters
- Convert liquid pints (US) to liters
- Convert liters to cubic meters
- Convert cubic feet to liters
- Convert liquid gallons (US) to legal cups (US)
- Convert tablespoons (metric) to pints (Imperial)
- Convert food labeling fluid ounces (US) to quarts (Imperial)
- Convert teaspoons (metric) to cups (Imperial)
- Convert liters to quarts (Imperial)
- Convert liquid gallons (US) to customary cups (US)
- Convert liquid gallons (US) to cubic inches
- Convert food labeling fluid ounces (US) to teaspoons (metric)
- Convert cubic inches to milliliters
- Convert liquid pints (US) to liquid quarts (US)
- Convert cups (Imperial) to gallons (Imperial)
- Convert milliliters to pints (Imperial)
- Convert cups (metric) to cubic feet
- Convert teaspoons (Imperial) to tablespoons (US)
- Convert fluid ounces (Imperial) to legal cups (US)