Convert tablespoons (US) to cubic feet
The "tablespoons (US)" unit is commonly confused with other units. Click for details.
The "tablespoons (US)" unit is commonly confused the units listed below which have similar names and/or values. Please ensure that you've selected the correct unit for the more accurate conversion!
- tablespoons (US), defined as 0.01478676478125 L
- tablespoons (Imperial), defined as 0.0177581640625 L
- tablespoons (metric), defined as 0.015 L
How to convert tablespoons (US) into cubic feet?
To convert tablespoons (US) into cubic feet, preform the following calculations:1 tbsp = 0.00052219 ft³
volume in tablespoons (US) × 0.00052219 = volume in cubic feet
15 tbsp
15 tablespoons (US) × 0.00052219 = 0.0078328 cubic feet
How many cubic feet in a tablespoon (US)?
There are 0.00052219 cubic feet in a tablespoon (US).How many tablespoons (US) in a cubic foot?
There are 1,915.013 tablespoons (US) in a cubic foot.Value Chart
Tablespoons (US) (tbsp) | Cubic Feet (ft³) |
0 tbsp | 0 ft³ |
0.01 tbsp | 0.0000052219 ft³ |
0.1 tbsp | 0.000052219 ft³ |
0.2 tbsp | 0.00010444 ft³ |
0.3 tbsp | 0.00015666 ft³ |
0.4 tbsp | 0.00020888 ft³ |
0.5 tbsp | 0.00026109 ft³ |
0.6 tbsp | 0.00031331 ft³ |
0.7 tbsp | 0.00036553 ft³ |
0.8 tbsp | 0.00041775 ft³ |
0.9 tbsp | 0.00046997 ft³ |
1 tbsp | 0.00052219 ft³ |
1.2 tbsp | 0.00062663 ft³ |
1.4 tbsp | 0.00073107 ft³ |
1.6 tbsp | 0.0008355 ft³ |
1.8 tbsp | 0.00093994 ft³ |
2 tbsp | 0.0010444 ft³ |
2.2 tbsp | 0.0011488 ft³ |
2.4 tbsp | 0.0012533 ft³ |
2.6 tbsp | 0.0013577 ft³ |
2.8 tbsp | 0.0014621 ft³ |
3 tbsp | 0.0015666 ft³ |
3.2 tbsp | 0.001671 ft³ |
3.4 tbsp | 0.0017754 ft³ |
3.6 tbsp | 0.0018799 ft³ |
3.8 tbsp | 0.0019843 ft³ |
4 tbsp | 0.0020888 ft³ |
4.2 tbsp | 0.0021932 ft³ |
4.4 tbsp | 0.0022976 ft³ |
4.6 tbsp | 0.0024021 ft³ |
4.8 tbsp | 0.0025065 ft³ |
5 tbsp | 0.0026109 ft³ |
5.5 tbsp | 0.002872 ft³ |
6 tbsp | 0.0031331 ft³ |
6.5 tbsp | 0.0033942 ft³ |
7 tbsp | 0.0036553 ft³ |
7.5 tbsp | 0.0039164 ft³ |
8 tbsp | 0.0041775 ft³ |
8.5 tbsp | 0.0044386 ft³ |
9 tbsp | 0.0046997 ft³ |
9.5 tbsp | 0.0049608 ft³ |
10 tbsp | 0.0052219 ft³ |
11 tbsp | 0.0057441 ft³ |
12 tbsp | 0.0062663 ft³ |
13 tbsp | 0.0067885 ft³ |
14 tbsp | 0.0073107 ft³ |
15 tbsp | 0.0078328 ft³ |
16 tbsp | 0.008355 ft³ |
17 tbsp | 0.0088772 ft³ |
18 tbsp | 0.0093994 ft³ |
19 tbsp | 0.0099216 ft³ |
20 tbsp | 0.010444 ft³ |
21 tbsp | 0.010966 ft³ |
22 tbsp | 0.011488 ft³ |
23 tbsp | 0.01201 ft³ |
24 tbsp | 0.012533 ft³ |
25 tbsp | 0.013055 ft³ |
26 tbsp | 0.013577 ft³ |
27 tbsp | 0.014099 ft³ |
28 tbsp | 0.014621 ft³ |
29 tbsp | 0.015144 ft³ |
30 tbsp | 0.015666 ft³ |
31 tbsp | 0.016188 ft³ |
32 tbsp | 0.01671 ft³ |
33 tbsp | 0.017232 ft³ |
34 tbsp | 0.017754 ft³ |
35 tbsp | 0.018277 ft³ |
36 tbsp | 0.018799 ft³ |
37 tbsp | 0.019321 ft³ |
38 tbsp | 0.019843 ft³ |
39 tbsp | 0.020365 ft³ |
40 tbsp | 0.020888 ft³ |
41 tbsp | 0.02141 ft³ |
42 tbsp | 0.021932 ft³ |
43 tbsp | 0.022454 ft³ |
44 tbsp | 0.022976 ft³ |
45 tbsp | 0.023499 ft³ |
46 tbsp | 0.024021 ft³ |
47 tbsp | 0.024543 ft³ |
48 tbsp | 0.025065 ft³ |
49 tbsp | 0.025587 ft³ |
50 tbsp | 0.026109 ft³ |
52 tbsp | 0.027154 ft³ |
54 tbsp | 0.028198 ft³ |
56 tbsp | 0.029243 ft³ |
58 tbsp | 0.030287 ft³ |
60 tbsp | 0.031331 ft³ |
62 tbsp | 0.032376 ft³ |
64 tbsp | 0.03342 ft³ |
66 tbsp | 0.034465 ft³ |
68 tbsp | 0.035509 ft³ |
70 tbsp | 0.036553 ft³ |
72 tbsp | 0.037598 ft³ |
74 tbsp | 0.038642 ft³ |
76 tbsp | 0.039686 ft³ |
78 tbsp | 0.040731 ft³ |
80 tbsp | 0.041775 ft³ |
82 tbsp | 0.04282 ft³ |
84 tbsp | 0.043864 ft³ |
86 tbsp | 0.044908 ft³ |
88 tbsp | 0.045953 ft³ |
90 tbsp | 0.046997 ft³ |
92 tbsp | 0.048041 ft³ |
94 tbsp | 0.049086 ft³ |
96 tbsp | 0.05013 ft³ |
98 tbsp | 0.051175 ft³ |
100 tbsp | 0.052219 ft³ |
Sources & References
UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.Tablespoons (US) definition source:
Cubic Feet definition source:
Other Calculators
- Convert liters to liquid gallons (US)
- Convert customary cups (US) to milliliters
- Convert liquid pints (US) to liters
- Convert liters to cubic meters
- Convert cubic feet to liters
- Convert cubic meters to customary cups (US)
- Convert liquid gallons (US) to tablespoons (metric)
- Convert teaspoons (Imperial) to tablespoons (US)
- Convert liters to cubic inches
- Convert legal cups (US) to tablespoons (Imperial)
- Convert pints (Imperial) to liquid quarts (US)
- Convert fluid ounces (Imperial) to gallons (Imperial)
- Convert teaspoons (US) to gallons (Imperial)
- Convert milliliters to teaspoons (Imperial)
- Convert pints (Imperial) to fluid ounces (Imperial)
- Convert gallons (Imperial) to cups (Imperial)
- Convert cups (Imperial) to food labeling fluid ounces (US)
- Convert customary cups (US) to teaspoons (Imperial)
- Convert liquid pints (US) to fluid ounces (Imperial)
- Convert cubic meters to liquid quarts (US)