Convert teaspoons (Imperial) to customary cups (US)
The "teaspoons (Imperial)" unit is commonly confused with other units. Click for details.
The "teaspoons (Imperial)" unit is commonly confused the units listed below which have similar names and/or values. Please ensure that you've selected the correct unit for the more accurate conversion!
- teaspoons (Imperial), defined as 0.0059193880208333 L
- teaspoons (US), defined as 0.00492892159375 L
- teaspoons (metric), defined as 0.005 L
The "customary cups (US)" unit is commonly confused with other units. Click for details.
The "customary cups (US)" unit is commonly confused the units listed below which have similar names and/or values. Please ensure that you've selected the correct unit for the more accurate conversion!
- customary cups (US), defined as 0.2365882365 L
- legal cups (US), defined as 0.24 L
- cups (Imperial), defined as 0.284130625 L
- cups (metric), defined as 0.25 L
How to convert teaspoons (Imperial) into customary cups (US)?
To convert teaspoons (Imperial) into customary cups (US), preform the following calculations:1 tsp = 0.02502 cup
volume in teaspoons (Imperial) × 0.02502 = volume in customary cups (US)
15 tsp
15 teaspoons (Imperial) × 0.02502 = 0.3753 customary cups (US)
How many customary cups (US) in a teaspoon (Imperial)?
There are 0.02502 customary cups (US) in a teaspoon (Imperial).How many teaspoons (Imperial) in a customary cup (US)?
There are 39.96836 teaspoons (Imperial) in a customary cup (US).Value Chart
Teaspoons (Imperial) (tsp) | Customary Cups (US) (cup) |
0 tsp | 0 cup |
0.01 tsp | 0.0002502 cup |
0.1 tsp | 0.002502 cup |
0.2 tsp | 0.005004 cup |
0.3 tsp | 0.0075059 cup |
0.4 tsp | 0.010008 cup |
0.5 tsp | 0.01251 cup |
0.6 tsp | 0.015012 cup |
0.7 tsp | 0.017514 cup |
0.8 tsp | 0.020016 cup |
0.9 tsp | 0.022518 cup |
1 tsp | 0.02502 cup |
1.2 tsp | 0.030024 cup |
1.4 tsp | 0.035028 cup |
1.6 tsp | 0.040032 cup |
1.8 tsp | 0.045036 cup |
2 tsp | 0.05004 cup |
2.2 tsp | 0.055044 cup |
2.4 tsp | 0.060047 cup |
2.6 tsp | 0.065051 cup |
2.8 tsp | 0.070055 cup |
3 tsp | 0.075059 cup |
3.2 tsp | 0.080063 cup |
3.4 tsp | 0.085067 cup |
3.6 tsp | 0.090071 cup |
3.8 tsp | 0.095075 cup |
4 tsp | 0.10008 cup |
4.2 tsp | 0.10508 cup |
4.4 tsp | 0.11009 cup |
4.6 tsp | 0.11509 cup |
4.8 tsp | 0.12009 cup |
5 tsp | 0.1251 cup |
5.5 tsp | 0.13761 cup |
6 tsp | 0.15012 cup |
6.5 tsp | 0.16263 cup |
7 tsp | 0.17514 cup |
7.5 tsp | 0.18765 cup |
8 tsp | 0.20016 cup |
8.5 tsp | 0.21267 cup |
9 tsp | 0.22518 cup |
9.5 tsp | 0.23769 cup |
10 tsp | 0.2502 cup |
11 tsp | 0.27522 cup |
12 tsp | 0.30024 cup |
13 tsp | 0.32526 cup |
14 tsp | 0.35028 cup |
15 tsp | 0.3753 cup |
16 tsp | 0.40032 cup |
17 tsp | 0.42534 cup |
18 tsp | 0.45036 cup |
19 tsp | 0.47538 cup |
20 tsp | 0.5004 cup |
21 tsp | 0.52542 cup |
22 tsp | 0.55044 cup |
23 tsp | 0.57546 cup |
24 tsp | 0.60047 cup |
25 tsp | 0.62549 cup |
26 tsp | 0.65051 cup |
27 tsp | 0.67553 cup |
28 tsp | 0.70055 cup |
29 tsp | 0.72557 cup |
30 tsp | 0.75059 cup |
31 tsp | 0.77561 cup |
32 tsp | 0.80063 cup |
33 tsp | 0.82565 cup |
34 tsp | 0.85067 cup |
35 tsp | 0.87569 cup |
36 tsp | 0.90071 cup |
37 tsp | 0.92573 cup |
38 tsp | 0.95075 cup |
39 tsp | 0.97577 cup |
40 tsp | 1.00079 cup |
41 tsp | 1.02581 cup |
42 tsp | 1.05083 cup |
43 tsp | 1.07585 cup |
44 tsp | 1.10087 cup |
45 tsp | 1.12589 cup |
46 tsp | 1.15091 cup |
47 tsp | 1.17593 cup |
48 tsp | 1.20095 cup |
49 tsp | 1.22597 cup |
50 tsp | 1.25099 cup |
52 tsp | 1.30103 cup |
54 tsp | 1.35107 cup |
56 tsp | 1.40111 cup |
58 tsp | 1.45115 cup |
60 tsp | 1.50119 cup |
62 tsp | 1.55123 cup |
64 tsp | 1.60127 cup |
66 tsp | 1.65131 cup |
68 tsp | 1.70135 cup |
70 tsp | 1.75139 cup |
72 tsp | 1.80142 cup |
74 tsp | 1.85146 cup |
76 tsp | 1.9015 cup |
78 tsp | 1.95154 cup |
80 tsp | 2.00158 cup |
82 tsp | 2.05162 cup |
84 tsp | 2.10166 cup |
86 tsp | 2.1517 cup |
88 tsp | 2.20174 cup |
90 tsp | 2.25178 cup |
92 tsp | 2.30182 cup |
94 tsp | 2.35186 cup |
96 tsp | 2.4019 cup |
98 tsp | 2.45194 cup |
100 tsp | 2.50198 cup |
Sources & References
UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.Teaspoons (Imperial) definition source:
Customary Cups (US) definition source:
Other Calculators
- Convert liters to liquid gallons (US)
- Convert customary cups (US) to milliliters
- Convert liquid pints (US) to liters
- Convert liters to cubic meters
- Convert cubic feet to liters
- Convert cubic feet to food labeling fluid ounces (US)
- Convert tablespoons (Imperial) to gallons (Imperial)
- Convert gallons (Imperial) to tablespoons (metric)
- Convert fluid ounces (Imperial) to gallons (Imperial)
- Convert liquid pints (US) to liquid quarts (US)
- Convert tablespoons (US) to cubic inches
- Convert quarts (Imperial) to food labeling fluid ounces (US)
- Convert fluid ounces (US) to milliliters
- Convert cubic meters to customary cups (US)
- Convert legal cups (US) to cubic inches
- Convert liters to legal cups (US)
- Convert cubic feet to tablespoons (US)
- Convert cubic meters to pints (Imperial)
- Convert food labeling fluid ounces (US) to teaspoons (metric)
- Convert cubic feet to tablespoons (metric)