Convert teaspoons (metric) to teaspoons (Imperial)

Convert tsp to tsp (Swap)


is equal to...


How to convert teaspoons (metric) into teaspoons (Imperial)?

To convert teaspoons (metric) into teaspoons (Imperial), preform the following calculations:

1 tsp = 0.84468 tsp

volume in teaspoons (metric) × 0.84468 = volume in teaspoons (Imperial)


15 tsp

15 teaspoons (metric) × 0.84468 = 12.67023 teaspoons (Imperial)

How many teaspoons (Imperial) in a teaspoon (metric)?

There are 0.84468 teaspoons (Imperial) in a teaspoon (metric).

How many teaspoons (metric) in a teaspoon (Imperial)?

There are 1.18388 teaspoons (metric) in a teaspoon (Imperial).

Value Chart

Teaspoons (Metric) (tsp)Teaspoons (Imperial) (tsp)
0 tsp0 tsp
0.01 tsp0.0084468 tsp
0.1 tsp0.084468 tsp
0.2 tsp0.16894 tsp
0.3 tsp0.2534 tsp
0.4 tsp0.33787 tsp
0.5 tsp0.42234 tsp
0.6 tsp0.50681 tsp
0.7 tsp0.59128 tsp
0.8 tsp0.67575 tsp
0.9 tsp0.76021 tsp
1 tsp0.84468 tsp
1.2 tsp1.01362 tsp
1.4 tsp1.18255 tsp
1.6 tsp1.35149 tsp
1.8 tsp1.52043 tsp
2 tsp1.68936 tsp
2.2 tsp1.8583 tsp
2.4 tsp2.02724 tsp
2.6 tsp2.19617 tsp
2.8 tsp2.36511 tsp
3 tsp2.53405 tsp
3.2 tsp2.70298 tsp
3.4 tsp2.87192 tsp
3.6 tsp3.04085 tsp
3.8 tsp3.20979 tsp
4 tsp3.37873 tsp
4.2 tsp3.54766 tsp
4.4 tsp3.7166 tsp
4.6 tsp3.88554 tsp
4.8 tsp4.05447 tsp
5 tsp4.22341 tsp
5.5 tsp4.64575 tsp
6 tsp5.06809 tsp
6.5 tsp5.49043 tsp
7 tsp5.91277 tsp
7.5 tsp6.33511 tsp
8 tsp6.75746 tsp
8.5 tsp7.1798 tsp
9 tsp7.60214 tsp
9.5 tsp8.02448 tsp
10 tsp8.44682 tsp
11 tsp9.2915 tsp
12 tsp10.13618 tsp
13 tsp10.98086 tsp
14 tsp11.82555 tsp
15 tsp12.67023 tsp
16 tsp13.51491 tsp
17 tsp14.35959 tsp
18 tsp15.20427 tsp
19 tsp16.04896 tsp
20 tsp16.89364 tsp
21 tsp17.73832 tsp
22 tsp18.583 tsp
23 tsp19.42768 tsp
24 tsp20.27237 tsp
25 tsp21.11705 tsp
26 tsp21.96173 tsp
27 tsp22.80641 tsp
28 tsp23.65109 tsp
29 tsp24.49578 tsp
30 tsp25.34046 tsp
31 tsp26.18514 tsp
32 tsp27.02982 tsp
33 tsp27.8745 tsp
34 tsp28.71919 tsp
35 tsp29.56387 tsp
36 tsp30.40855 tsp
37 tsp31.25323 tsp
38 tsp32.09791 tsp
39 tsp32.94259 tsp
40 tsp33.78728 tsp
41 tsp34.63196 tsp
42 tsp35.47664 tsp
43 tsp36.32132 tsp
44 tsp37.166 tsp
45 tsp38.01069 tsp
46 tsp38.85537 tsp
47 tsp39.70005 tsp
48 tsp40.54473 tsp
49 tsp41.38941 tsp
50 tsp42.2341 tsp
52 tsp43.92346 tsp
54 tsp45.61282 tsp
56 tsp47.30219 tsp
58 tsp48.99155 tsp
60 tsp50.68091 tsp
62 tsp52.37028 tsp
64 tsp54.05964 tsp
66 tsp55.74901 tsp
68 tsp57.43837 tsp
70 tsp59.12773 tsp
72 tsp60.8171 tsp
74 tsp62.50646 tsp
76 tsp64.19583 tsp
78 tsp65.88519 tsp
80 tsp67.57455 tsp
82 tsp69.26392 tsp
84 tsp70.95328 tsp
86 tsp72.64264 tsp
88 tsp74.33201 tsp
90 tsp76.02137 tsp
92 tsp77.71074 tsp
94 tsp79.4001 tsp
96 tsp81.08946 tsp
98 tsp82.77883 tsp
100 tsp84.46819 tsp

Sources & References

UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.

Teaspoons (Metric) definition source:
Teaspoons (Imperial) definition source:

Other Calculators