Convert tablespoons (metric) to quarts (Imperial)

Convert tbsp to qt (Swap)

The "tablespoons (metric)" unit is commonly confused with other units. Click for details.
The "tablespoons (metric)" unit is commonly confused the units listed below which have similar names and/or values. Please ensure that you've selected the correct unit for the more accurate conversion!

The "quarts (Imperial)" unit is commonly confused with other units. Click for details.
The "quarts (Imperial)" unit is commonly confused the units listed below which have similar names and/or values. Please ensure that you've selected the correct unit for the more accurate conversion!


is equal to...


How to convert tablespoons (metric) into quarts (Imperial)?

To convert tablespoons (metric) into quarts (Imperial), preform the following calculations:

1 tbsp = 0.013198 qt

volume in tablespoons (metric) × 0.013198 = volume in quarts (Imperial)


15 tbsp

15 tablespoons (metric) × 0.013198 = 0.19797 quarts (Imperial)

How many quarts (Imperial) in a tablespoon (metric)?

There are 0.013198 quarts (Imperial) in a tablespoon (metric).

How many tablespoons (metric) in a quart (Imperial)?

There are 75.76817 tablespoons (metric) in a quart (Imperial).

Value Chart

Tablespoons (Metric) (tbsp)Quarts (Imperial) (qt)
0 tbsp0 qt
0.01 tbsp0.00013198 qt
0.1 tbsp0.0013198 qt
0.2 tbsp0.0026396 qt
0.3 tbsp0.0039594 qt
0.4 tbsp0.0052793 qt
0.5 tbsp0.0065991 qt
0.6 tbsp0.0079189 qt
0.7 tbsp0.0092387 qt
0.8 tbsp0.010559 qt
0.9 tbsp0.011878 qt
1 tbsp0.013198 qt
1.2 tbsp0.015838 qt
1.4 tbsp0.018477 qt
1.6 tbsp0.021117 qt
1.8 tbsp0.023757 qt
2 tbsp0.026396 qt
2.2 tbsp0.029036 qt
2.4 tbsp0.031676 qt
2.6 tbsp0.034315 qt
2.8 tbsp0.036955 qt
3 tbsp0.039594 qt
3.2 tbsp0.042234 qt
3.4 tbsp0.044874 qt
3.6 tbsp0.047513 qt
3.8 tbsp0.050153 qt
4 tbsp0.052793 qt
4.2 tbsp0.055432 qt
4.4 tbsp0.058072 qt
4.6 tbsp0.060712 qt
4.8 tbsp0.063351 qt
5 tbsp0.065991 qt
5.5 tbsp0.07259 qt
6 tbsp0.079189 qt
6.5 tbsp0.085788 qt
7 tbsp0.092387 qt
7.5 tbsp0.098986 qt
8 tbsp0.10559 qt
8.5 tbsp0.11218 qt
9 tbsp0.11878 qt
9.5 tbsp0.12538 qt
10 tbsp0.13198 qt
11 tbsp0.14518 qt
12 tbsp0.15838 qt
13 tbsp0.17158 qt
14 tbsp0.18477 qt
15 tbsp0.19797 qt
16 tbsp0.21117 qt
17 tbsp0.22437 qt
18 tbsp0.23757 qt
19 tbsp0.25076 qt
20 tbsp0.26396 qt
21 tbsp0.27716 qt
22 tbsp0.29036 qt
23 tbsp0.30356 qt
24 tbsp0.31676 qt
25 tbsp0.32995 qt
26 tbsp0.34315 qt
27 tbsp0.35635 qt
28 tbsp0.36955 qt
29 tbsp0.38275 qt
30 tbsp0.39594 qt
31 tbsp0.40914 qt
32 tbsp0.42234 qt
33 tbsp0.43554 qt
34 tbsp0.44874 qt
35 tbsp0.46194 qt
36 tbsp0.47513 qt
37 tbsp0.48833 qt
38 tbsp0.50153 qt
39 tbsp0.51473 qt
40 tbsp0.52793 qt
41 tbsp0.54112 qt
42 tbsp0.55432 qt
43 tbsp0.56752 qt
44 tbsp0.58072 qt
45 tbsp0.59392 qt
46 tbsp0.60712 qt
47 tbsp0.62031 qt
48 tbsp0.63351 qt
49 tbsp0.64671 qt
50 tbsp0.65991 qt
52 tbsp0.6863 qt
54 tbsp0.7127 qt
56 tbsp0.7391 qt
58 tbsp0.76549 qt
60 tbsp0.79189 qt
62 tbsp0.81829 qt
64 tbsp0.84468 qt
66 tbsp0.87108 qt
68 tbsp0.89747 qt
70 tbsp0.92387 qt
72 tbsp0.95027 qt
74 tbsp0.97666 qt
76 tbsp1.00306 qt
78 tbsp1.02946 qt
80 tbsp1.05585 qt
82 tbsp1.08225 qt
84 tbsp1.10865 qt
86 tbsp1.13504 qt
88 tbsp1.16144 qt
90 tbsp1.18783 qt
92 tbsp1.21423 qt
94 tbsp1.24063 qt
96 tbsp1.26702 qt
98 tbsp1.29342 qt
100 tbsp1.31982 qt

Sources & References

UnitSwap uses sources (which are listed below) to ensure the best accuracy on conversions. See more information about reliable sources and conversion accuracy here.

Tablespoons (Metric) definition source:
Quarts (Imperial) definition source:

Other Calculators